
Croatian Makers League

Croatian Makers Robotics League is IRIM’s flagship project in robotics, the largest competition of such kind in EU with more than 10,000 children included in more than 550 schools and non-profits, whereas IRIM has donated more 2,750 robots.

The educational institutions participate regularly, in 4 rounds during the schools year, and locally, so that the subject can be integrated into the curriculum, and not be (as is usual with robotics competition) one-off.

Here is the map of all schools and non-profits that are participating in the Croatian Makers League in Croatia:

The platform for the league is the educational robot mBot which facilitates a very easy entry into the world of robotics, but also allows for more advanced use.

It important to emphasize that the Robotic League is using the same robotics platform (mBot by Makeblock) in all included countries, which ensures full compatibility and interoperability of activities at regional level.

The successful concept of the Robotics League has since been successfully implemented in Serbia, BiH and Kosovo by local partners (with IRIM’s initial donations), and the one in Serbia now includes almost 500 schools, and has been mostly financed by Serbian government.

The aim of the League is to enable a wide-ranging inclusion of robotics, automation and programing into elementary school education.

How to follow the development and news about the Croatian Makers League?

All significant news about the League and new possibilities for participation can be followed at News from the CM League (in Croatian only).

Photo Gallery

Photos from the Croatian Makers League


for the Croatian Makers League


Under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia

Croatian Makers League

donated robots

schools involved

children involved

In September 2015 the Croatian Makers League started, we have up till now donated more than 3000 robots to more than 600 schools and youth centers so that they can compete in the League.

Croatian Makers is a privately financed initiative developing and deploying a ‘layered family of platforms’ for STEM initiatives in school.
This page contains only a short English summary of the content written in Croatian. For more info about our activities please follow the links to our Croatian page and use Google translate.