Digital Citizen
Digital Citizen is a regional project of transforming public libraries into Digital Maker spaces in Croatia, Serbia, BiH and Kosovo.
With a help of 250,000 USD grant from Google, IRIM will grow its reach from 100 libraries in Croatia, where it introduced free coding and micro:bits to borrow, and developed some of them into digital making spaces, to 120, in the same time developing them into making spaces with 3D printers and maker sets.
Also in this project IRIM included 70 libraries in Serbia, BiH and on Kosovo, with a help from local partners.

Digital Citizen would further develop existing libraries to advanced digital competencies centers.
The map of all libraries in Digital Citizen is on the left. All libraries in the project will become centers for developing digital competencies for (a) children not already reached with Croatian Makers program in Croatia, and the equivalent partner programs in the region and (b) adults, to make them better equipped for today’s labor market and help them overcome aversion toward new technology.