Project ProMikro
IRIM teamed up with the Ministry of Science and Education which funded 45,000 micro:bits for all the Grade 6 children in Croatian schools, thus effectively introducing coding to Croatian elementary schools.
The schools opted in voluntarily, and 85% of them opted to join the project. The project started in 2017. In the 2018. new generation of Grade 6 children were given micro:bits for use in school and other activities.
In this project IRIM developed educational resources for teachers, students and others interested in using micro:bit in schools (examples of lessions using micro:bit) and using micro:bit in project assignments. Here is the link for the materials – they are free to use!

Teaching the teachers was the key element of the projects. Following a large-scale education effort in STEM Revolution, in ProMikro IRIM delivered more than 500 workshops in 3 waves for 2,000 teachers, out of whom the majority never, or rarely, coded before.
The workshops were executed by a network of 30 technology ambassadors IRIM developed from its ecosystem, and workshops were financed by the Croatian Employers’ Association. IRIM developed extensive cross-subject curriculum comprising of more than 60 teaching lessons ready to be taught in class.